Truth Proof
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Welcome to Truth Proof,   Paul Sinclair

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— sharing what is inexplicable, curious, paranormal or just plain spooky in the north and east of Yorkshire... And sometimes we find ourselves a bit further afield..

Paul Sinclair

Paul Sinclair is recognised within the field of unexplained phenomena for his honest no nonsense approach to the subject. He prefers to follow the research wherever that may lead, even if it means putting himself in locations and situations most people would not want to be in.

Gathering information as close as possible to the point of origin has to be the goal of anyone serious about finding answers to mysteries that have so far evaded us. This approach takes sheer hard work and dedication, something that cannot be done from behind a keyboard. For that reason, all of the information contained within Truth Proof is original.

Paul most prefers being stood out on a cliff-edge with a camera around his neck or interviewing a witness or experiencer. Paul least prefers sitting on a panel theorising what it all might mean or pounding away at a laptop.

Paul Sinclair and Dr Martin Abbas have created the Paranormal Phenomenon Contact Stratification and Triangulation Tool.     Download the Stratification Form: here

The Truth Proof Shop

Wolf Lands DVD now available directly by post

Buy one here

Wolf Lands is the first full length DVD by Paul Sinclair and the versatile Truth Proof team. £11.99 88 minutes.

what they might have said..

"It gave me paws for thought" — phantom cat - Speeton

"unbelievable - made me blink" — Orange light over the sea

"description of me was haunting" Shadow form, Broxa

"Paul was a bit dogmatic" — canine apparition, Rudston

"Out of this world" — alien, the star Zogg, on holiday in Filey.


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Truth Proof 4 (£11.99)

Truth Proof 4, Beyond Reasonable Doubt. This latest exploration of the unexplained contains reports, witness statements and personal sightings that provide a compendium of curiosities.

264 pages. 72 illustrations & maps


Night People (£11.99)

Night People is the fourth book by Paul Sinclair, but the first one specifically autobiographical. He gives well observed insights into village life which unfold into his being beset by the paranormal.

259 pages with many illustrations

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Truth Proof 3 (£11.99)

Truth Proof 3, Bringing down The Light, is the third book which continues to document Paul's researches and adventures among the Yorkshire byways and residents.

271 pages and many illustrations

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Truth Proof 2 (£11.99)

This is the second book in the series by Paul Sinclair, subtitled Beyond The Thinking Mind. After completing his first Truth Proof, Paul found that reports would not stop reaching his desk.

242 pages and many illustrations

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Truth Proof 1 (£11.99)

Truth Proof is the first book by Paul Sinclair, which is subtitled, The Truth That Leaves No Proof. This is the first impartial cataloguing his extraordinary experiences and researches..

247 pages and many illustrations

paul sinclair

      As somebody who has experienced the ups and downs of trying to ship books all over the world, I take the greatest care possible when shipping to customers. Which is why I choose to always use Track and Sign when shipping abroad. UK customers can choose 1st or 2nd class post.

Shopping here is safe and easy. The checkout is via PayPal.. You can pay by nearly any credit card or a PayPal account. Therefore I never know your banking details.

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In shopping cart, select postage. Then the "Secure Order Form (PayPal)"" button will appear. Then follow the link "Create Paypal Account, and after that click "Pay now as Guest"

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to message the team or submit a report to e mail Paul Sinclair

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Items may be briefly quoted from this site
providing Paul Sinclair and Truth Proof™ are mentioned.
Paul's mobile telephone 07949 455941

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website, administration, travel and equipment are our main expenses. If you have found these reports of interest, please consider making a donation. It will be gratefully received.