Truth Proof Report 256 ~ objects in the sky, cryptids, apparition ~ a personal journal.

1989 - October 2024

Debbies M's Story

I trained as a nurse at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn and started training in September 1988 through to October 1991. Apart from a couple of ghostly things that happened in the hospital and at a ruined church the two I would like to report here.

1) Late summer 1989. As part of our training we were sent out on the district and had to do a week of twilight shifts where you gave evening care, settled people to sleep and gave nighttime medication across the district. I was one of the student nurses with my own car so was sent to the furthest reaches of the hospital’s patch. For this week I was sent to the district nurses at Southery half way to Ely in Cambridgeshire. The shift ended somewhere between 10-10:30pm and as my parents were living in Soham at the time I decided it would be easier to head to them to sleep rather than drive back across country to Kings Lynn.

The weather was fine, with a full moon and one of those nights where it’s lit up as the moon is so bright. There were big clouds and I was mostly the only car on the road.

I was approaching the Ely road nearly at Soham and was enjoying driving along being the only thing on the road and looking at the surroundings. I saw in front of me a big cloud which was lit up. It had fire and sparks coming out of one side. At first I thought it could be a plane that was in trouble from nearby Lakenheath. I drove towards it and watched it for maybe ten minutes and it did not move at all.

It was probably thirty or forty feet across and the sparks continued to come out of one side which reminded me of the rockets on the old black and white Flash Gordon serial.

I continued to drive towards it, wound down my window but couldn’t hear anything, smell anything. It did not move at all. As I got to the crossroads it was just in front of me and I had to drive under it to cross the main road and into Soham. It was maybe a minute further for me to get to my parents house. When I got there and stepped out of the car the entire cloud had disappeared.


2) Summer 1990. Early evening, dry weather. Other witness fellow student nurse. While training if we had a hard day we would often drive the few miles to Sandringham country park which has miles of trails to wander around and relax. On that day everyone else was on shift and myself and a flat mate having finished early shifts went out for a meal then for a walk in Sandringham woods.

We wandered along for a couple of miles chatting and had looped back towards the car park. We were about half a mile from the car park when we got to a part of the path where you could go either side of a patch of sparse woodland.

It was spur of the moment that we decided to take a side each and see which one was quicker. I took the right hand side, my friend the left. Bracken and pine trees made up the woodland dividing us and after a minute or so of walking, I saw the bracken moving in a diagonal line as though there was something running through. It was coming towards me and I wondered if it was going to be a deer or rabbit that would cross the path in front of me. I kept quiet not to scare it away thinking it would be lovely to see. The bracken continued to move in a direct line towards me and two feet away from me stopped dead. I stopped trying to see something but could see anything. I carried on walking and it carried on making the bracken move two feet out paralleling me. I stopped, it stopped, I sped up it sped up.

I shouted at it, no reply. This carried along the entire path as it was starting to get to dusk and nothing was visible. There was no sound and I could not hear my friend. When I exited the path onto the grass and then car park nothing stepped out and I could see my friend exiting the path at the same time and we both made our way to the car. When I got there she was upset and wanted to know why I had tried to scare her by crawling through the bracken and doing exactly the same thing that the whatever had done to me. Neither of us saw or heard anything and she refused to ever talk about it.

3) 29/9/21 - first trip back to north Norfolk with my husband (who I met at the hospital) for a couple of decades.

We went to Sandringham and arrived about 2pm, walked for a couple of hours, and when we were the furthest possible from the car park it started to rain. No wind, just straight down rain. We carried on walking back towards the car and we did not see anyone else. We got to the point where the whatever in the bracken had been and I glanced over to where it was to see someone standing about three feet into the trees.

They were about five foot, male, green/brown clothing and brown/red hair. I made eye contact with this person, my husband could not see him. He then turned round and I can only say turned into an animal. I saw the him change physical dimensions so that where there was a person before now I could see the back quarters and fur of an animal moving away through the undergrowth.


4) 14th December 21 - Sandringham woods, cold, dry winter weather with my husband. We were walking along our usual path and I felt like I was beginning to get a migraine as there was a buzzing and pressure in my head. Rob, my husband said that the place didn’t feel right and the path didn’t look normal.

It was almost like we were looking through an oval into somewhere else. There was another oval about 100 ft further along the path with the same distortion. Once we had walked around them. The pressure and noise went, we talked about them but never looked back! It was only when we had cleared the area that we both questioned this, it felt like the thought to do so had been dismissed from our heads. (Note, I have seen portals open in Somerset and walked towards it trying to work out what it was).


5) 20/6/22 - Dersingham Bog (which is part of Sandringham). Baking hot, bright sunshine about 2pm with my husband. Walking the long route around the bog, we were approaching the boardwalk. I was looking down at the ground watching for adders, lizards and hoping to spot worked flint.

There was a big tree in the centre of the path. I ducked my head under the branches and a breeze sprang up pushing me back. My husband laughed and said ‘it’s a djinn’ which I thought funny so without breaking stride I looked up all the length of the trunk of the tree which was next to me, said hello, dropped my head back down and carried on walking.

On clearing the tree the wind stopped. That night had a very weird lucid dream of the tree being surrounded by a pulsating ring of light with creatures going in and out of it.


22/6/22 - (the original contact query I had with you). Where we were staying 11pm. I saw a light, orange and silent go straight up in the sky and wink out. Not afterburners, plane, star, planet or lantern. I have seen and can identify all of those.


23/6/22 - return walk at Dersingham Bog. Same weather, time of day and with my husband. When we got to the point where I had walked under the tree it was not there. The tree had disappeared. Asking my husband he never saw the tree, all he had was a warm wind blowing in his face which is why he mentioned djinn. To me the wind was a circular whirlwind with a slight buzzing as I walked under the tree and the branches even brushed the top of my head. Between the two walks there was also a difference in our fitbits in time taken and steps.


6) 12/10/22 - late afternoon, clear with high cloud, with my husband.

Dersingham Bog again and we reached the steps up the cliff side as it was beginning to get to duck and everything was quieting down. We thought it would be a good place to watch for owls and deer coming out. There were no other people around. As we approached the steps the birds and squirrels in the wood facing us started to alarm, then three or four pheasants flew out of the wood. The alarming continued and you could track whatever it was alarming them through the woods and then into the bracken and heather that covered the cliff side. Nothing was visible.

We climbed up the steps and entered the wood line at the top and were stopped in our tracks by growling. This was very low and resonated in our chests and was a warning not to approach further. It was maybe six feet away. We stayed still and did not move and the growling moved away and back down the slope. We went through animal sounds when we got back and the nearest was a big cat growling. I did a search and some have been seen and there have been foot print finds in the area. The next in another part of the woods but well away from anyone else heard it again and could once more track it by the squirrels alarming.


7) 13/10/22 - clear night with no cloud, coming back across country to Burnham Market and it was just getting dark so that the stars were starting to come out. We both noticed one in front of us that was low, bright and seemed to be pulsating. It grew bright and then we could no longer see it when we came out of a wooded stretch.

At this point there as something in the road in front of us. We had to pull up to stop about four feet from it and it was an owl about four feet tall standing upright in the middle of the road. It just stood there looking at us then after about a minute as we were about to get out of the car it took off straight up and over the car. There was nothing in the centre of the road that it was feeding on and it had nothing I could see in its claws as it flew over the windscreen. There are a pair of naturalised escapee Eagle Owls that live the other side of Kings Lynn, could they have flown this far?


8) 28/6/23 -3am middle of summer, no clouds/very high cloud. Staying at Thornham with a view from our bedroom window out to sea.

photo of the object by Andrew

I woke up from sleep with an instruction in my head to go to the window and look out. I never, ever look out of the windows at night because I have had several instances of things looking in but I felt very calm and impelled to do as the voice told me.

I looked out and saw to lights. At first I thought it was a ship in distress as they were swinging up and down but the voice in my head told me to be calm and to LOOK. Over the next twenty minutes I watched the lights dance around one another, go in and out of the sea and change colour from golden to green and back. In size they could easily have been ten/twenty feet across from my vantage point or bigger as I could not tell how far out at sea they were. I suspect bigger than I thought. After twenty minutes the voice informed me that I could go back to sleep as I had seen ‘what was required’. I very calmly got back in bed and went back to sleep.


9) 14/10/24 - 7pm, dark but clear with lots of stars - Drove up to stay at Burnham Market and unloading the car. I went outside to pick up the last things from the car boot and was just looking up admiring the stars when a light ‘switched on’ directly above my head, was stationary for several seconds and then in a straight line in a South East direction before switching out.


10) 15/10/24 - 11am, clear, cold, with my husband. Walking in Sandringham woods, down and the farthest part and my feet hit a tree root in the path and I thought I was going to fall over. Instead I felt a hand grab my right elbow tightly and it felt as though my feet had hit an invisible wall. This kept me upright and immobile for maybe thirty second and then I was released. I carried on walking about twenty steps then could hear behind me a conversation between two invisible entities that one of them should not have grabbed my arm. Where it was grabbed was burning like an acid not thermal burn. We walked for maybe another half a mile and I couldn’t stand it anymore and asked my husband to check that part of my arm.

This involved me stripping of a waterproof jacket, tweed wool under jacket, and long sleeves shirt. On examination there was a smear of brown/green goo which was still glistening on my arm (on the photos it looks dry but was still wet) and you could see bruises forming like three fingertips. This goo had gone through three layers of clothing with nothing on any layer or any damage to any layer. The area continued to burn for twenty four hours with the bruises continuing to develop and in placement were very like a hand had forcefully grabbed my arm.

photo of the object by Andrew
photo of the object by Andrew

We continued the walk and before leaving the bottom part of the woods I saw a full shadow figure standing in the middle of the path watching us.


On the 18th October 2024, still in Burnham Market I was just about to go to sleep around midnight to see a reptilian type figure standing in the corner of the room watching us. Am afraid I was tired and annoyed at being disturbed on holiday so told it to just feck off and rolled over.

Kind regards,


Paul: Debbie, thanks you so much for sharing your personal journey with us. Do you think people like yourself are "sensitives", acting as lightning conductors for the paranormal, or is it just good, or bad, luck? Keep us updated. I will be in touch.


Paul Sinclair

All reports, incidents, personal experiences are published in good faith. As far as I am aware, all reports are simply the true experiences of individuals who are reporting what they have experienced. With this goes my commitment to respect anonymity when requested.

      Most of these reports are, as far as possible, abbreviated versions of the actual words of the observers.
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