Truth Proof Report 241 ~ lights in the sky - Bempton

12th August 2024

film foot age taken by Paul Sinclair and friends

This report needs no accompanying text really. Just watch this ten minute film and listen to the commentary, published by Truth Proof on Youtube.

Sometimes heaven and earth give us something so spectacular that it leaves you spellbound. This short film is a step away from Truth Proof's usual offering of unexplained phenomena. This is the raw super natural universe. Filmed from the clifftops of Bempton on the 12th of August 2024


Paul Sinclair

All reports, incidents, personal experiences are published in good faith. As far as I am aware, all reports are simply the true experiences of individuals who are reporting what they have experienced. With this goes my commitment to respect anonymity when requested.

      Most of these reports are, as far as possible, abbreviated versions of the actual words of the observers.
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