Truth Proof Report 240 ~ light in the sky - near York

10th August 2024

emailed report to Paul Sinclair


Good evening Paul.

Just thought I’d mention, last night (10/08/24), I was driving on my way home from work in Scarborough at 23.25 hours having just turned right off the B1249 onto the B1253 at the Octon roundabout heading west towards Cowlam and Sledmere. I had a clear view of the sky out to the west over York. I suddenly noted a bright golden light visible in the sky just above the horizon. It seemed that it was over the city of York. I was unsure if it was moving, as obviously I was driving and it was difficult to judge. However there was cloud in that part of the sky so there was no way this was a planet or star in the sky.

I would guess it was at least thirty miles away from where I was.

It is another small piece of the jigsaw but these bright good lights seem to be a common late night phenomenon over York.

Many thanks mate, looking forward to tonight’s live stream! 😊

Steve T.

Paul: thanks Steve. Yes you are right. All these add to the picture. They cannot all be flares! I have done some of my best sightings in that area, years ago.


Paul Sinclair

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