Truth Proof Report 179 - orange glow and light

photo by Paul of the light
reported February 7th 2023

personal sighting by Paul Sinclair and friends

On Tuesday the 7th of February myself and Bob Brown arranged to meet our mutual friend Peter Byron at Bempton. The plan was to spend the night on the clifftops hoping to catch sight of the elusive unexplained phenomena.

It had been over 6 months since we had experienced anything remotely strange but that never deterred us because we know the area has the potential to shock and surprise.

Around 6.45 I noticed a faint orange glow on the hill behind us, the same hill where we have noted many unusual things in the past. I immediately told Bob and Peter and the three of us watched the brow of the hill, a few minutes later a huge orange sphere rose into the air, paused for a moment then dropped below the brow.

I wasted no time and aimed the Sionyx camera onto the hillside and waited, a short time later a second orange sphere appeared, this time I caught it on film.

The stills that you see are from the footage, unfortunately the camera does not show the true colour of the object which was bright orange.

The sky was bright and clear and the sea was unusually flat and calm. A very still night.


Paul Sinclair

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