Lee's strange experience
Hi Paul.
I had a few strange occurrences in the same area. I started work as an apprentice in 1993 for an oil company and then became one of their operators, the sites I worked on were based north of Winchester and south of Stockbridge. They were all very rural hidden from view in farm land.
A lot of people won’t know but there are quite a few onshore oil fields in the U.K. not huge production but you don’t have the cost of it being offshore.
I worked nights shifts and alone for nearly 12hrs. A bit dodgy to be honest and I had to make check calls (bit pointless). My role was to look after 5 oil producing sites. I was based on one and had to drive to each site 2-3 times a nights.
When you start working nights you hear all sorts of things and you get use to the general background noise. Oil drums would bang as they cooled for example.
My strangest experience was in around 1997, I had to visit the Hill Farm site at about 0430. The site was off a quiet A road and the track to the site was about 3/4 miles. All the sites were lit although not like a football stadium! To one side it was surrounded by a wood and the other side it was fields.
The site itself, as all sites was very open. They needed to be as when there was a drilling rig onsite it needed all the room. On this site there was 3-4 oil wells in the centre and they were piped back to oil tanks in the left hand corner in a bund (raised wall). This also had the treatment equipment and a couple of noisy pumps which ran continuously.
On this night I drove onto the site to the far corner where the tanks were. Climbed over the wall to start to take readings.
Only a few minutes had passed and I noticed something across the site at the other end. I turned around and watched someone (?) running across the site. From memory the lower half was black and the top was red (Strange combo!), I could not make out a face. When it got half way across it jumped and disappeared. There was nothing to hide behind.
I’d like to say I kept it together but to be honest I panicked, jumped across the wall back to the van. I sped across the site past where I’d seen it with a quick look. Shot down the access road to the main road and drove into town. I needed to go where there were people and needed a few minutes to understand what I’d seen.
I then drove back to the main site and at this point one of our oil tankers had shown up. The driver asked if I was alright as it looked like I’d seen a ghost. I lied and said I’d seen someone and he made me phone the police (sorry). They turned up and reported nothing. I didn’t tell anyone what I’d actually seen for six months.
The following night having to go back up was difficult but I didn’t see it again.
On the main site I’d had a couple of other experiences.
Once whilst working on equipment in the middle of the main site with two of my colleagues they went to get tea and left me to keep an eye on the equipment that was now running. A few minutes had passed and I saw them both approach from behind. Turning around they weren’t there.
I also often would see a mist appear above the ground over a small bank on the main site. It would appear and roll and disappear very quickly. Possibly nothing but it always seemed strange.
Lastly I wasn’t the only person to see something. One of my colleagues was loading an oil tanker and saw someone walk into the main office. They were a couple of porta-cabins about 30mtrs away. He’d seen them pass the windows. He went over to see who it was and no one was in there.
For interest I believe the area had been used by the RAF during the war.
regards, Lee P. (A regular of the show)
Paul: Thanks for this Lee. Interesting that you mention the history of the site. Something lingering after a wartime tragedy?
Paul Sinclair
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