Truth Proof Report 247 ~ alien in the East Riding?

24th September 2024 - strange being in adjacent field

Hi Paul,

Last night about 9ish I saw out of the bathroom window a meteor - not a huge one, figured I'd get out with the dog when the wife went to bed see what was up there, went with more intention to look at the stars than anything else.

By the time I went out it was getting towards midnight, I was just in my paddocks / field behind the house.

I had to sort something with the horse then went in the empty field with the dog and turned my torch off.

Within a minute I saw a silver / grey figure moving west to east on the field behind mine, no sounds with it, looked fairly large widthwise, maybe 5ft tall but 3 ft wide, it was like it was emitting it's own light - although it was dark and the moon was over to the east. Neither the dog or horse reacted.

After a minute I recreated everything I'd done including torch being on then off to check I'd not mistaken anything and couldn't replicate it, from where I was the field looked empty, I could see the neighbour's sheep were in a different field but figured I'd go and check there wasn't one being isolated from the flock. Got about 1/3 up the field, it's mine I own it - I've walked round it at night in the dark for countless hours, and I started to feel anxious / afraid - never had that in the field, managed to get about 2/3 way up legs had gone to jelly a bit and it was getting worse.

I stopped for a minute and used my torch: the field I'd seen this figure in was definitely empty, nothing else to be seen. The dog wasn't bothered either and was running to the top and back.

Turned my back and the fear / anxiety eased, walked away and at the bottom of the field felt normal. Gave it a few minutes and tried again and it was the same, stopped again and after a few minutes the whole sensation lifted and cleared and it was totally normal. Walked around a bit more and nothing other than a feeling that it was all over. No strange noises at any point, the only unusual sound was a couple of owls which clocked because I'd recently heard a podcast with a guy called Mike Clelland who has talked about owls being around strange things.

I've no idea what the figure was, couldn't even guess. I do wonder though if whatever it was has played on some of the more recent stuff I've heard and read and if it used that against me, or even if my mind just played some tricks on me. All I can say is it was strange. It felt more anxious/ fear than when I've done a lot of work stuff where I knew I'd be facing a threat. It was very powerful and I can't rationalise or explain it. My dog is a German Shepherd and he didn't appear to notice a damn thing.


Comments by Paul

Thanks for sharing this one with us. Of course your anonymity is preserved. Not even the Truth Proof team need know your identity. Do tell us of any other interesting walks you have in your fields!


Paul Sinclair

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