Truth Proof Report 246 ~ strange shape in Newcastle

16th September 2024 - object in the sky

Hi Paul,

Newcastle, Tyne & Wear, Monday September 16th, 1pm.

Two metallic objects seen in the sky.

At first I thought it was an Aeroplane towing a banner but I soon realised that both objects were identical and no wings were visible.

If I held my thumb at arms length each object would be covered individually and they were moving quite slowly, maybe 50-100 miles per hour.

The Sun was reflecting off what appeared to be a bright metallic surface (stainless steel or chrome maybe).

I have no photographs but have attached a sketch done from memory.


Comments by Paul

Thanks for the great sketches Jack. Another in an odd series of things seen in the skies round here recently.

sketch of object in the sky


Paul Sinclair

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