Truth Proof Report 20 - Strange silverish object in the sky

Reported directly to Paul Sinclair1966

Witness name supplied; Currently being further investigated by Paul. Report 20:

Report sent to Paul Sinclair via e mail.:

UFO sighting 1966 Witness told me he was 14 and the time and that he saw the craft at the top of Bessingby and West Hill, close to where Bridlington hospital is now.

He told me he was with his younger brother and they were up to no good. They were cutting down trees for someone who would later come and collect them for logs. It was early evening and they suddenly saw huge flash in the sky.

When they looking this thing was just their hanging in the sky above the trees. He immediately grabbed hold of his brother and pulled him down into the bushes and they both watched the UFO in amazement. They could not understand how it was able to just hang in the sky in silence, it had no windows and looked seamless.

Rob remarked how it reminded him of the TV series the Thunderbirds. It hung in the sky for a while looking like a big wedge of cheese on its side. It was a silver blue colour and appeared to have blue flame or heat shimmering all around its edges.

Without warning it made a sound, a loud clunking noise, Rob said it was like something huge and mechanical falling into gear. Then it suddenly moved in what looked like one fast awkward movement and was instantly in another part of the sky.

Seconds later it moved again and was gone.

"name supplied"  


Paul Sinclair

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