Truth Proof Report 244 ~ strange shape in East Yorkshire

13th September 2024 - object in the sky

Hi Paul,

Well I thought it was a plane at first but quickly realised I couldn’t see any wings & it looked jet black so I decided to go out into the garden to get a better look, taking my mobile with me.

There was no noise emanating from it so quickly took a photo - which I later expanded (which is what I sent you). I couldn’t see the ‘energy’ around it until I did that & you can barely see the thing at all in the original photo, hence the expansion. Unfortunately it zipped straight into cloud cover after that & that was the last I saw of it, so I only managed to get the one picture.

About 13.30 this afternoon, heading from west to east.

I’ve seen many UFOs over the years (can’t get used to calling them UAP’s!) but never the same one twice! The last one I sent you was taken about the same time of day strangely enough and in the same patch of sky.

We did see a black disc shaped one about a month ago going from east to west but sadly weren’t quick enough to take a photo…. Regards,


Comments by Paul

Yet another fascinating image. We are having a run on them. Truth Proofers certainly have their cameras ready these days. Thanks.

block in the sky


Paul Sinclair

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