Truth Proof Report 238 ~ chronology of personal experiences

A personal paranormal journey, beginning 2022

emailed report from Lauren

Hi Paul,

I really enjoyed your interview in That UFO Podcast with Andy. I listened to it after Jim Simivan’s interview with James, and it was a nice follow-up. I’d like to share some experiences I’ve had over the past year or so with the hopes that some of them overlap with what you’ve heard from others. I’m a neuropsychologist by profession, so for me, the more data to support something, the better :) The more time that goes by, the more I question the validity of my own experiences. So here goes. It’s a lot to unpack, so please bear with me. I apologize ahead of time for the length of the email. If you think a phone conversation would be more conducive, I am totally receptive to that as well.

I live in a small suburb outside of Chicago about two miles from Fermilab. I have been experiencing paranormal activity on and off throughout my whole life, but it really started to slap me in the face last summer after I started experimenting with deep meditation using Binaural Beats and other frequency sounds. I was listening to a lot of philosophy and reading up on the Monroe Institute. After about 2 to 3 weeks of practicing deep meditation, I started experiencing what felt like electricity throughout my body, in which I could no longer feel my body or was aware of it. I would experience a “separation “ feeling but didn’t feel like I “traveled anywhere.” I would also be pretty groggy after coming out of it, and almost felt drugged at times. I would also see sparks of light flashes of light and different colours while I was in this state (I always wear an eye mask to drown out light pollution). After a few weeks of meditating, I would start projecting thoughts during my deep states. I would imagine a protective light around me, and then ask any peaceful and kind energies to interact or communicate. Initially, I did not observe any notable changes. One day, during Labor Day weekend in September 2023, while I was alone at home, I meditated for about 30 minutes and projected those thoughts during that time.

Afterwards, I went outside and sat in my chair in the front yard to enjoy being outside and look at the animals, trees, and sky. About five minutes later, a black, metallic sphere, came out of the southwest part of the sky and floated towards my house. At first, I thought it was a black balloon, but as it got closer and went directly over my head, I got a better look at it and noticed it was oscillating clockwise, and then counterclockwise, but not in a full rotation. When it was clockwise, it was a black, matte metallic texture, but when it was counterclockwise, it was a shiny blurry silvery metal that kind of looked like mylar. It glided steadily like it was on a track and didnnot deviate in speed or direction, and did not seem to be affected by the wind. I am terrible at judging distance or size, but I would guess that it was smaller than a car. I thought it could be an atypical, looking drone, maybe from Fermilab or something, but it did not make any noise. During my next meditation, I thought to myself that it would be helpful if my husband saw it. Less than a week later, he called me at work and told me that he saw what I had described a few blocks away from our house heading towards the river, and that he did not know what it was. After this incident , the following experiences occurred lasting about 3 months:

1. Lucid dreams (hadn’t had one since flying in my dreams as a kid); the most alarming one was I was sitting on my couch looking out of my window towards the front of my house, and a fireball was coming out of the sky and heading towards my house. As it was about to hit, I turned away to shield my face and fell off the couch and at the same time, felt like I entered my body and immediately woke up. Another crazy lucid dream was I was at Disney World and everything was colorful and psychedelic (I’ve never done drugs). I was in Orlando at the time.

2. I had three alien dreams. One, I saw a black disc fly in front of a full moon and immediately woke up. The next dream, I was being chased by aliens, and I finally gave up and let them catch me and they put some kind of tracking device on me. Third dream I was in a craft, and it was sterile. Nobody was there but I sensed them and immediately woke up. I want to clarify that these felt like dreams, and did not feel real to me, but still anxiety provoking.

3. I was keeping a dream journal at this time and also noticed that I was having a ton of dreams about dogs.

4. I started seeing sparks of light and flashes of light pretty much throughout the day every day. I would get perceptual distortions in my vision, and a few times I saw a colorful nebulous light above my husband in bed and in front of my front door.

5. We started getting poltergeist activity in the house, including my closet door opening twice on its own, while I was lying in bed next to it, and a dining room chair moving on its own in front of my youngest son (this was after watching poltergeist the night before and me looking at the chair thinking to myself It would be cool if it moved). My oldest son also heard a voice say hello in the dining room when he was alone, and my husband heard a voice in his ear when he was coming out of the bathroom.

6. Started having a ton of very strong synchronicities having to do with Abraham Lincoln. Also started seeing balloons everywhere. Flying through the air, stuck in powerlines, on the side of the road, and a bunch of balloons that were in the middle of a field that I walk around at work.

7. Fell asleep to a guided meditation one night and a commercial startled me awake. I propped myself up on my elbow and saw a solid, black shadow figure of a small human next to my bed. It looked exactly like my youngest son, so I talked to him and asked him why he was out of bed, but I didn’t get an answer. When I turned my head for a second to take my air pro out of my ear and turn back, it was gone (my husband and I also saw a black shadow figure next to my side of the bed many years ago when I was pregnant with my first son).

8. Rescued three injured birds and two bats within a month. Also started having close encounters with birds in general, especially hawks and hummingbirds. Don’t know why I find that to be related, but it seems like it is.

9. One of the most profound experiences during this time was when I woke up in the middle of the night to a very loud, frequency tone. It sounded like there was somebody standing in my bedroom with a tuning fork, or like some of the frequency tones I hear in my meditations. I looked around the room, but didn’t see anything, and it sounded like it was coming from everywhere all at once. A few seconds after I noticed the tone, a very strong whoosh of energy went down my left leg. I turned around on my other side and a second later a second strong whoosh of energy went down my right leg. I didn’t even get out of bed to investigate. I just went back to sleep with a smile on my face. The next morning, my son said he heard the same thing and got out of bed to investigate, but then got scared and ran back to his bed. I am very analytical and inquisitive by nature so it’s really weird that I didn’t get out of bed to investigate. Really wish I had and it hasn’t happened since.

10. I saw two additional floating spheres in the sky after the black one. They were either white or silver, but not black. One was in the sky when I was leaving work and ducked behind a tree and never came back out. Another one was floating over office buildings while I was driving on the highway and my son saw it too. Again, could be drones but they were spherical in shape.

There are probably other things that happened but eventually I stopped keeping track because things were happening all the time. Nothing has really happened since about December or January of this year. The last weird, coincidental thing that happened was a couple weeks ago. I was standing in my driveway at night, staring at the sky like I always do because it was a clear night, and I could see the stars. As I was looking at the sky, I thought to myself- if anyone is out there and can hear me, can you give me a sign? Immediately, after that thought, a bright light appeared in the sky at the exact location I was looking and then just went out. It was like somebody flipped the light switch and turned the light on for a second and then it turned off. Not saying it’s a UFO but it was a crazy coincidence. Thank you so much for your time, and I really admire what you do. Would love to go on investigations with you if I was in your neck of the woods!!

Be well,

Lauren C.

Paul: Thank you so much for this very personal journey you have made. I am sure it gives encouragement and support to others.


Paul Sinclair

All reports, incidents, personal experiences are published in good faith. As far as I am aware, all reports are simply the true experiences of individuals who are reporting what they have experienced. With this goes my commitment to respect anonymity when requested.

      Most of these reports are, as far as possible, abbreviated versions of the actual words of the observers.
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